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Although it is always ideal to see a dietician for this reason, High protein diet is the approach we recommend to all our patients before, during and after any weight loss surgery.

Protein as an energy source

In the body, proteins are essential for repair and maintenance, hormones production, enzymatic activity and transportation of molecules.
Protein is made up of smaller units known as amino acids some of which are called (essential) as the body can not produce them and we need to include them in our diet. Importantly, the more amino acids, the better the protein.

  • Animal products are considered "complete protein" as they contain all the essential amino acids. These include eggs, dairy, meat, fish and poultry.
  • Vegetable proteins, on the other hand, are deficient in all essential amino acids means they need to be added to other animal protein source. Examples of vegetable proteins are legumes and seeds.
  • The amount of protein consumed per day is very important in addition to the quality (source of protein).

Protein's Effects on Weight Loss

Appetite and Fullness

Eating more protein may help suppress your hunger and appetite for hours after eating.
Protein increases production of hormones like PYY and GLP-1, both of which help you feel full and satisfied. In addition, it helps reduce hunger hormones (the Ghrelin). That means in other words, eating more protein will make you less hungry between meals which in the end makes you consume less calories and then lose weight.
Moreover, protein consumption leads to increased metabolic rate by 35% which leads to more energy burning compared to 10% only with carbs.

Weight Loss and Body Composition

Not surprisingly, eating more protein and minimal carbohydrate will lead to weight loss.
Typically, when you reduce your calorie intake, your metabolic rate slows down due to loss of muscle mass. However, eating more protein will support the muscles and will keep the metabolic rate up helping you to reduce more weight.

Daily recommended protein intake

  • 1.5 to 2 grams per kilogram, may help prevent muscle mass loss, boost metabolic rate and reduce weight.
  • More than the above amount does not provide additional effects.
  • Moreover, for better efficiency in utilizing the protein by your body, it's important to spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day.

Potential Adverse Effects of High-Protein Diets

  • High-protein diets are safe and healthy for most people.
  • Contrary to popular belief, higher protein intake doesn't cause kidney problems in people with normal kidney function.
  • Only reduce protein intake in moderate or severe kidney disease. In mild diabetic nephropathy with obesity, high protein diet is still ok.

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Weight Loss Surgery